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February 26 2014

Dan Labell published in Manufacturing Business Technology

February 26, 2014. Manufacturing Business Technology (online). Five Simple Rules To Follow When Automating Your Warehouse, bylined article by Dan Labell. “One indisputable fact exists for most manufacturers and distributors: Warehouse automation stands as one of the last areas where long-term costs can be significantly reduced….”

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August 29 2013

Eliminate damage - automated warehousing systems for cold storage

Westfalia Technologies Inc. specializes in high-density AS/RS for cooler and freezer facilities. In fact, most manufacturing operations that store frozen products are candidates for high-density storage because typically a small number of items account for 80 percent or more of the volume and inventory.

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April 01 2013

Wirtz Beverage invests for long-term growth

Like many companies in the beverage industry, Wirtz Beverage Illinois was faced with the challenge of expansion to support increased demand. Westfalia’s AS/RS and WMS provide Wirtz Beverage with the ability to adapt to changing market conditions while enabling future growth of the business.

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